Natural Route To Success

Natural Route To Success

 Life is an empirical journey without a set direction, where understanding oneself as an adventurer or traveller is crucial to distinguishing between success and failure. This understanding involves a deep introspection to comprehend the purpose of one's journey, the destination being sought, and the path leading to that desired destination. Just as a traveller considers the destination before choosing the means of travel, the distance to be covered and one's capacity determine the appropriate means to be employed.

In analogy, building a house requires consulting the ground to ensure a solid foundation. Likewise, success in life necessitates understanding the direction one is heading and the resources and capabilities available for the journey. A study has shown that successful individuals, devoid of opportunism, abide by principles and rules, while unsuccessful ones are at the mercy of external forces, such as government policies.

Religious principles are often emphasized to achieve success, yet it is essential to recognize that every aspect of life is governed by natural principles. Just as God created water before fish, and Isaac reactivated his father's well to reap plenty during the famine, success is often tied to understanding and adhering to these natural principles. Attempting to build a house in the air is akin to disregarding these principles. Many religious individuals falter in this realm, forgetting that spirituality and practicality are not mutually exclusive.

The key to success in life lies in understanding one's purpose, charting a clear path to the desired destination, and adhering to natural principles while navigating the journey. Just as a traveller plans their route and respect nature's laws, individuals seeking success must acknowledge and align themselves with the inherent principles governing their endeavours. Join me as I introduce to you a well-researched, articulated, tested and trusted natural principle that has turned. Failures to success, ordinary men to the envious nation,, In this book titled EXCELLENCE MISSION. Followed by THE COMPULSORY MARKETPLACE


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