God is Love - Do you love him?

 I Saw Only The  Caption, And Disagree With The Author.

Indeed life is a living school, no wonder the saying " judge not a book by its cover, because the content might be what you truly desire.

I came across this Caption of a book that was so provocative and personally unacceptable, questioning and seeking affirmation of the place or the right to be a Christian.

I firstly assume it was all about the denominational doctrine of baptism and confirmation or one of those conflicting interpretations, but since I saw that the book is rated Five Star, I decided to have a glance through, the author profile, and I saw a very unassuming young man without my anticipated titles, I immediately reassumed the book to be fiction, but going through the preface, though to my assumption the information was conflicting, talking about intrigues, conspiracies, examination, etc. But at the conclusion, the name of Jesus Christ was mentioned. My next surprise was when he acknowledged non-Christians as one of his volunteers for the success of the book, I thereby concluded that this must be that apostle of doom, I decided to read the book, to prepare my reviews for the defense of my faith, but to my greatest surprise, the book is truly a perfect guide for our Christian journey. The most interesting part is that the book is straight to the point, highly revealing, and not denominational, I will call it a guide to Christ-like life. 

I want to ask do you Love Jesus Christ?YES

or NO


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